We have made it TENNN whole weeks since I went into early labor at 24 weeks! Sooo thrilllled to make it to 34 weeks!!! What a miracle, I'm still in shock that we've come this far. It will be 10 weeks of bed rest on Monday, so nuts. It hasn't felt like that long though, thank goodness!! I'm so grateful for my mom's fun company and sacrifice! Without her the babies definitely wouldn't still be in there.
Well sadly we weren't able to get accurate weights on the babies at the high risk office today. It was very hard to get what they needed for the BPP measurements because of the babies positioning. Claire is stacked right on top of Cameron, which explains my egg shaped belly, ha ha. But they both passed with good results on their practice breathing, cord and placenta functions, and activity levels. We love our wild babies! Because of their positioning, Claire showed as weighing only 3 lbs 14 oz, and Cameron came in at 4 lbs 13oz. She said it's give or take a pound because of their positioning, which is a lot. So, she could be almost 5 and he could be almost 6 lbs. You never know! But I highly doubt that she's only gained 1 lb 6 oz in the last 5 weeks. It's gotta be off because her placenta, fluid and cord still look really great. Either way, we will see how much she weighs very soon! Eek! :)
Tiny heartbeats
If I don't pop in the next two weeks, I will be induced on Friday, May 13!! Yes, Friday the 13th...that's so our luck, ha ha. Jk, don't believe in that. But, still super funny. Can't believe that 2 weeks from tomorrow WE WILL HAVE TWOOO BABIES!!!!!! We're still in total shock. So nuts, and so very exciting! We've wanted children so badly for 9 years, now that we are getting them I'm thinking we're going to be like ok what do we obsess over now?! Lol. It's going to be a big shock finally getting something that we've wanted so badly.
Only two more weeks of bed rest!!!!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Both babies are head down still, so a natural birth it is, unless there's a complication. I'm super duper nervous, but I'm so grateful to not have to have a csection no matter what. It will be a much quicker recovery, especially since I suffer from excessive and painful scar tissue. Dr. O says natural is more healthy for the babies as long as we don't run into any issues. So, pray for me folks, cause I'm getting pretty terrrrified, ha ha.
Oddly enough, I feel pretty darn good! Today Dr. O said, "how are you doing, because you look like you feel a lot better than when I saw you last!" I was like yeah I actually do!! My headaches have gone away, so the low dose blood pressure meds are helping more this time around. And my neck, back and rib pain has lessened, although my round ligament pain has returned. And, I don't look half dead, lol. Weird, but I will take it! Maybe I can enjoy these last couple of weeks more :) He's going to check my dilation next Thursday, I'm curious to see if I've dilated more. Things are definitely starting to feel different down there, and not just pressure wise. Total weight gain during this whole pregnancy so far is only 10 lbs! I've gotten more puffy in the last couple weeks, the babies fluid is now maxed out, and the babies get bigger every week...yet I'm not gaining. Not gonna complain!! Takes a lot to grow two tiny humans! :)
Here's some quick snapshots from today, love these people! So nice to be able to be up a little more now that bed rest isn't nearly as effective and my blood pressure has been better. I don't do anything but sit up more, no walks or cleaning or anything, ha ha.