Friday, April 15, 2016

32 weeks!!!!!! - Back and forth we go, when it stops...nobody knows!

Ok, sorry for the late update! Have been having phone issues, vision is blurry on magnesium, plus I'm exhausted. We got home yesterday evening though. Babies are still cooking, it's a miracle!! So, recap...was admitted to the hospital Monday because of contractions, almost passing out, and testing positive for the fetal fibronectin test. They put me back on the magnesium (boooooo!!!) for the contractions (5-6 mins apart, but I don't feel them all) for two days. They reduced my dose after one day because I was having a bad reaction because my magnesium level was too high. After that scary episode (extreme headache and could barely breathe - so scary, I was crying, thought I was going to die!) we needed to see if my contractions started up again without the mag, so they took me off. They did progress but not by enough. I also dilated from 1cm to 3 overnight (exciting!), so we thought it was GO TIME on Thursday morning but it wasn't. I quit progressing so he sent me home. Soo glad though, the babies need to bake longer anyway. Plus, I was crying because those dang hospital beds hurt my back so freaking bad. Lovvve my cloud bed, so happy to be home! We're getting so sick of the back and forth though. It's getting harder to hold it together emotionally, always in limbo it seems. Story of our lives, lol. Hopefully I won't get admitted again when I go for my NSTs on Monday, ha ha. Mondays hate me. Every time I've been admitted...yep, a Monday!

Oh!! We also thought my water broke one night! But they said it was likely just discharge or from the progesterone suppositories. I'm still not convinced lol, even after they swabbed me to double check for ferning. Reallly felt like fluid, never have had discharge, definitely wasn't progesterone, and I definitely didn't wet my pants. It has been quite the ride the last month and a half, I'm getting way too familiar with the hospital, ha ha! But I'm glad my doctor and his partners like to play it safe and have the babies and my health as top priority. We're not gonna like the final bill though I'm afraid, yikes...already over $6,000 and that doesn't include two of the stays :(

Dr. O is hopeful that the twins can stay in another week or two. He said I'm a real trooper. I follow up with him next week. He will check me again then to see if I have dilated any more. He said it's very common for women with twins to dilate and then stay at that measurement for a bit, so to not worry. Apparently twins are a whole other ballgame. Most women pregnant with twins at this stage also have contractions and it doesn't mean you're in full blown labor. Still sounded iffy to us to be sent home, but so far he's been right. Blake is terrified I'm going to have them at home or in the car. I am at least feeling some of the contractions now though, so that's good. The tightening that starts at the top of your uterus is a really different sensation, ha ha. I had some semi-intense cramping down low dozens of times a day at the hospital, and some back labor. But it has lessened quite a bit. At least I'm officially 32 weeks today!!! So unbelievably grateful to our Heavenly Father for watching over us, so happy the babies will be bigger and healthier :)

My belly is getting so big, not sure how much bigger I can get, ha ha. My ribs hurt soooo bad. The babies are so wiggly and my belly pops up and stretches out in the funniest ways. Cameron is bigger than Claire so my belly is a little lop sided, he he. They're both still head down and side by side. I'm sure the babies are happy to be home again too and not have monitors strapped to my belly 24/7. Poor things. My belly is sooo sore!! :( Getting extremely excited to meet these little pumpkins! Thinking we might have to ask people to stop praying for full term and pray for 34 weeks instead, ha ha! I'm huge and feeling tonnns of pressure. I'm afraid Claire is going to fall out, ha ha. Dr. O said he probably won't let me go past 34 or 35 anyways because of the Preeclampsia. Praying all keeps going well and that I can still have a natural delivery!

The lighting was weird so my shirt looks funny, but here's a hospital belly shot! I'm definitely getting more puffy, legs especially, and my face.

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