Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Monday's hate me! - Back at the hospital

Monday's just really hate me!! They kept me overnight again after my NSTs yesterday. Not because the babies didn't do great on their tests, but because of a near fainting episode yesterday before my appointment (holy scary - thanks for saving me mom!), contractions, and testing positive for the ffn (fetal fibronectin test - 90+% accuracy on telling whether you're going to deliver within the next two weeks). This magnesium sulfate drip is going to be the death of me, ha ha. Makes you feel beyyyond miserable, but great stuff!. We shall see what the day and what news Dr. O brings. For now, I'm trying to keep it together. I'm so exhausted and so glad this is almost over. And I am also just hoping my head doesn't explode, ha ha :(


  1. Been following since the begining! Waiting for an update!!! Hope all is well!!!

  2. I also have been following. Sending prayers for you, Blake and the babies.
