I loved meat, LOVED meat...
Burgers, bacon, sausage, turkey, chicken, tuna, polish sausages, hot dogs, you name it. Not anymore. I can still stand certain turkey lunch meats and chicken once in a blue moon. But other than that, eww! That's how I lost my 35 lbs before the treatment, was the low carb/low sugar diet. Got to eat meats which I loved, salads, etc. I felt great, slept better, and totally de-sugarized myself. It was awesome. Now I almost puke at the smell of meat, it instantly nauseates me. Blake had a hot dog for lunch today and I gagged the whole time he was eating it. I made him light a candle half way through his lunch, ha ha. I ordered some protein shake mix so that I still get my protein because it's very important, but I'm very sad about the meat thing! I started the late fertility treatment and very early weeks of pregnancy with a spaghetti sauce obsession, moved on to pea soup, and now have Costco sliced pineapple and a sandwich with TONS of mustard for almost every meal. It's been interesting, he he. I also wake up daily at 6am on the dot and am absolutely starving. Feels like I haven't eaten in years. It's soo weird!
I will be 8 wks on Monday...
The baby/babies will no longer be considered an embryo. They're now a fetus (hate that word)! Their tongue, eyes, and other facial features are taking form. And their little arms and legs are starting to look less webbed. I look forward to reading the progress update online every week. So amazing, the body is an amazing thing! Slinky, our dog, has started to notice some changes in me. He smells my arms and belly quite a bit. He's going to be in for quite the surprise, ha ha. And Blake said the other night, "you smell different!" while laying on my arm. Not a bad different, just different. So funny. I've been feeling pretty nauseous still, but vomiting isn't a daily thing anymore. Definitely more tired, been taking more naps. And I drink water like you wouldn't believe, but that's a good thing!
Not much else to report of until our next ultrasound on the 6th,
but I thought I would answer some questions that we have been getting asked a lot :)
1. Do you have names picked out yet? YES! YES! YES! We have had names picked out for EIGHT years! Can't wait to use them...it's been a long time coming. We have a few for each gender but here are our favorites...
GIRL: Claire Isabelle. Claire because it's just beautiful, and we both love the older and less super trendy names. Have been waiting YEARS to use Claire! And Isabelle because my great great Aunt Isabelle "B" was very special to me. Still playing with middle names though.
BOY: Cameron Blake. We both love Cameron, which is good because Blake is super picky ha ha. I have had like 2 pages of boy and girl names for several years, and he likes a total of maybe 6. And we like Blake as a middle name because of the obvious reason ha ha. I have loved the name Blake since I was little. My baby boy dolls always used to be Blake, ha ha.
There are other names we like as well, but these will be used first! ♥ Basically, we like a lot of C names, lol.
2. So you had a successful IVF treatment finally? No, we did not do IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization). We adopted someone else's embryos. A couple of them were thawed out and were transferred into me, just as if they were our own. We can't have children with our own DNA. We did not have any embryos that survived when we did our own IVF cycle 7 yrs ago.
3. Did you do a sperm and/or egg donor? No, we did not use a sperm or egg donor. Although this is a great option for many, we adopted embryos - which is when someone else's sperm and eggs have already been combined, the embryos started to grow, were then frozen, and then donated because they weren't going to be used by our donor couple. Their family was complete.
4. When are you due? October 12th, for now... :)
5. What do you want, a boy or girl? We honestly don't care, either would be SO much fun!!
6. How many kids do you guys want? 3 or 4
7. Do you have to fill out a bunch of adoption paperwork after you have these children? No, adoption laws only apply to babies that are already "born". This is simply a donation, no actual baby in hand when the embryo transfer occurs. There is no adoption paperwork now, or ever (for our situation anyways - not all embryo donations are anonymous. Some are open and have agreements). And no one else's names will ever be on the children's birth certificates but ours. Our situation is the same as ones who have had to do both donor sperm and donor eggs. It's not our DNA, but does not require any traditional adoption paperwork.
8. And lastly, I know some are wondering this because it's normal to wonder, but no one would ever dare ask probably...so here ya go.
No, we don't feel like we are having "someone else's babies". Even though I'm literally pregnant with a baby/babies that aren't from either mine or Blake's DNA, it does not feel that way at all. This is OUR baby! The spirit has confirmed that to us. The remaining frozen embryos are OURS for as long as we want them. It just feels as if our IVF treatment in 2008 actually worked and we were able to freeze embryos for later. Feels as if we are just picking up where we left off :) All of our children from this opportunity will still be blood siblings, which is just amazing. This is more than we could have ever hoped for! What a special form of adoption, very early on adoption ♥ My grandma said it perfectly, and I love her for that! It has brought us so much comfort..."the spirits of the babies that are meant to be yours, it doesn't matter what bodies they come into!" I just envision our children waiting in heaven and the angels saying, "Slight change of plans kiddos, your mommy and daddy can't have their own babies. So you're going to have to wait just a little bit longer for a different body. Not a big deal at all."