Tuesday, February 3, 2015

We have waited a very LONG time to say this!!!

Well we have waited 8 long and very hard years to announce this...

We got the amazing news yesterday afternoon and are still in TOTAL shock! So glad we didn't give up on our dreams and that we were blessed with these embryos. There are no words for how we feel or how grateful we are to our anonymous donor couple. I will give them the biggest and longest hug someday in heaven ♥ We love these people  even though we will never know them. They so selflessly donated their embryos because their family was complete, and it just melts our hearts and souls. They gave the gift of life and family to US, who have have struggled so badly, and wouldn't have had it otherwise. We are already in love with this little baby (or babies)!

When the girl from the clinic called and said, "well congratulations, you're pregnant!", I laughed out loud and said "I am?!! Oh my gosh! I have waited so long to hear those words!" Then I cried and couldn't talk, ha ha. I called Blake at work because I couldn't wait til he got off! He's not allowed to be on his cell phone at work but luckily he happened to be at his desk! He said, "so what's the news?!" I said, "I just wanted to tell you that you're going to be a daddy! It worked!" He was so happy but in shock and said "it did!?!" Ha ha.

A positive pregnancy test (Beta-HCG) level is 80 - 100, and mine was 275! Doesn't necessarily mean that there's more than one but it could be possible since we transferred 2 :) I'm officially 4.5 weeks, and we can find out how many are in there in a couple of weeks at our first ultrasound! Maybe then we will finally believe that we are really having a baby, lol. For those wondering how I'm already that far along...as soon as they implant, you're considered 3 weeks instantly. We got to skip the ovulation, fertilization, travelling down the fallopian tube, etc!

I started throwing up only 4 days after the transfer ha ha, and the clinic couldn't believe I was sick already and said I just had to have gotten the flu. But no! I'm sick because of a sweet baby (or babies!). Very nauseous, horrid heartburn, throwing up, bloated...all happily welcomed! We have waited SOO long for this! We were going to wait to announce until next week because I still have to do my blood work again to make sure my levels are rising as they should, but we are SOO excited! 
Hopefully all continues to go well, stay in there little baby (babies)! Thanks for all your support!



  1. I am so happy for you two!! Congrats :)

  2. Congrats I have been following your story all the way from Perth Western australia. Will be looking forward to updates of your wonderful journey. Do u have a facebook page for updates???

  3. Mrs. C., Thanks for following us all the way from Australia! How cool! We do not have a Facebook page, but we hope you continue to follow our blog :)
