Thursday, May 27, 2021

10 weeks - A midwife, bloodwork & A pesky rash

I can't believe we survived the last few weeks you guys, but we did!! Blake is doing much better, though he still isn't 100%. He was supposed to return to work yesterday but his oxygen is still only at 94% consistently. They'd like it above 96. So he has a follow up tomorrow morning. We hope he can return to work next week or soon. We are so grateful that most or all of these 4 weeks off is going to be paid! We will all be so happy when everything is back to normal. Poor Claire started crying today in the car and was telling me how sad she was when Daddy was really sick, it was SOO sad (we drove past Urgent Care on our way to pick up our grocery order and she recognized the building unfortunately πŸ˜ͺ)! Poor baby girl. We were all so scared, I'm so glad things turned out well! I hope this sweet girl will forget some of that scary night since she is small. 

I still have not had any bleeding or spotting for like 2 weeks now, yay! But I am so, so tired and so winded, ha ha. And this Round Ligament pain is making it hard to sleep and even walk around. I feel like I look like a hunched over little lady walking around for awhile after I first get up. I do feel like maybe I am getting a little more energy lately, cause my counter top isn't covered in dishes (along with the sink being full) and we've had normal dinners for a few nights now πŸ˜‚ 🀦🏼‍♀️ I am looking forward to some relief in the 2nd trimester. With the twins I went on strict bed rest at 24 weeks, so I feel like I missed out on some of the easier times during pregnancy. But I am just so glad that they stayed safe and were born at 36 weeks and not sooner. Total miracle! As you know, they found out that I had a UTI that night in the ER when checking on baby after the bleeding, so I had to take a dang antibiotic. I hate them and rarely take them (have only had like 2 antibiotics in the last 5 years). It sadly did exactly what I knew it gave me a pesky yeast rash all over my chest, belly and fronts of my legs 😭 I have been trying all the natural stuff I can think of and it isn't helping. So I caved and bought some Monistat cream to apply topically to the rash. Hoping it will help because I am a MISERABLE itching mess. Just glad it isn't something worse, like PUPPS! I hope. That is a total nightmare I've heard. 

I had my first appointment with my new midwife at the birthing center on Tuesday! I was feeling kind of torn on whether I wanted to go with them or this obgyn office right across the street from my house (I could walk there easily if I wanted). But I am so happy that the appointment went so well, I feel 100% great about going with the birthing center! The center was beautiful and I loved all of the staff. Pam was awesome and spent over an hour with me going over everything and answered all of my many, many questions, ha ha. We also did the NIPS (Non Invasive Prenatal Screening) blood work while I was there. It tests for downs syndrome, trisomy, and the gender! We should have the results in 1 to 7 days. I am dying to find out what the baby is so I hope it is sooner rather than later! I mostly did the test for the gender, ha ha, because we are keeping the baby no matter what health issues it may or may not have. With the twins we found out the genders at 20 weeks at the anatomy scan, so to find out at only 11 weeks what the gender is this time around is totally awesome! We have a family guessing game going on and so far we have about double the guesses for a boy. We shall see! Blake is thinking a girl but is still undecided. Claire and I think a girl. Cam currently thinks it is a boy and it likes potato chips just like him 🀣 He has changed his mind a couple of times now though lol. So, we will keep you updated! I am going to make something fun for the twins to open when we find out. I'll share the video on here if I'm able. Sadly you can't upload very big video files on here. I'll upload pictures at the very least. 

The kiddos wanted to take my baby belly picture this week, so here they are! Not bad for 5 year olds, ha ha ❤ Claire's is the closer up one. If the pics look blurry, just click on them and then X out. And I took a pic of just the board also so you can see it better. It is so fun updating this weekly. I'm glad I did it. The baby now has individual toes and fingers, and all of its internal organs have already started forming and will continue to progress. Its little liver is already making bile even! My midwife Pam told me that I will probably feel this baby move earlier than the twins because 2nd time moms know more what to look for. She said she isn't surprised that the round ligament pain started sooner for me this time too 😭

Have a great and safe holiday weekend everyone! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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