Monday, November 2, 2020

Pregnancy test results! -A slow lab & Sky high HCG

IT WORKED!!! Woah you hcg level came back at 602! 602! It was 275 with angel baby Cannon and 209 with the twins. I can't believe it! I'm so curious how many are in there!? We are so happy we got a definite positive though. Anything over 80 is good, so we are way past a positive 🥳🥳🥳😭😭😭❤❤❤ Thanks to my baby sis for taking me to the lab today, I was glad I didn't try to drive myself because I don't think this crazy motion sickness is going away anytime soon. The trees looked like they were just whizzing past us and I had to close my eyes, bleh! 🤢 So weird that my motion sickness is magnified 10 fold + when pregnant. I did read that it is an actual thing though! 

It took several hours to hear back from the lab today. stink!! You do not know what "STAT" means. I was wishing I would have just drove the 4 hrs round trip to the fertility center because the suspense was killing me. I'm glad I slept for a few hrs to pass the time though, ha ha. My mom is awesome and lets me nap daily while she watches the twins, woot! Anyway, the fertility center didn't get my results from the lab until 3 minutes before they were closing, gah! I did the blood work this morning at 9:30. My coordinator Jessica and I were emailing back and forth this afternoon about how crazy it was that things took so long again. But, I loved her response once the results were posted! I didn't see her email until after our phone conversation though because my phone has been weird the last few weeks here.

I figured I was probably pregnant because of all the symptoms I have been experiencing. I get sick so soon after the transfers. Crazy, but good. And it's comforting. But I think my heart just didn't want to believe it 100% until Jessica called. This was the first time I've cried after hearing the news that I'm pregnant, I think. I'm sure the first 2 times I was just in shock, ha ha. So, even though this is our 3rd rodeo, it was also our last shot at growing our family. So today was just extra sweet, such a comfort to have it confirmed! I also did 2 home tests a couple hrs before the fertility center called for fun 😃 Those lines were both solid and blue in about 30 seconds, didn't have to wait the 2 minutes, lol. 

Please keep us in your prayers! The spotting is still off and on but remaining light, so that's good. So it is likely just from embryo implantation or Placenta Previa. I did have extremely fluffy lining on transfer day! My cousin said she bled with all of her embryo transfers. I hope I can keep my cool for a few weeks until our first ultrasound! 😳 How many babies are in there?! My next appt is an hcg recheck next Monday the 9th. We need to make sure that my hcg level is multiplying properly. 

Thank you everyone for your love, support, good vibes, baby dust, happy thoughts, and prayers!

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