Thursday, November 12, 2020

A scary allergic reaction!

Last night I was sitting with the kids in the chair watching cartoons a little before bed and started feeling really itchy. Then after about 10 more minutes it got worse. And then really bad. After I put the twins to bed I went into the bathroom to see what was going on. I found red, hot, burning, rash/hives/welts all over my upper thighs and near my groin area. I was like what on earth?! I decided to shower and then put on some of my 100% coconut oil lotion to see if that'd help. It did help a little. But then more popped up on my sides. I got nervous so I emailed my fertility doctor. If she didn't see my email then I'd just call first thing in the morning. It started to dissipate after about an hour, so I was thinking, phew! I went to bed and woke up 2 hours later with severely itchy palms, neck, arms, and my left ear hurt really badly. Got to the restroom and I was absolutely covered in this awful stuff again but in different areas. My left ear was hot, red, and so swollen it hurt to even touch it! I immediately panicked and messaged my mom, who luckily was still up. We decided it was time to wake Granny and let her know what was happening incase I needed to be taken somewhere. I was so itchy and miserable and had no clue why. Granny sat up with me while I called the after hours emergency line at the fertility center. I wasn't sure if it was an allergic reaction to something, if I developed some insane pregnancy rash, or if it was fertility meds related. A super nice night nurse named Shelby talked with me for a bit and felt she needed to wake Dr. C to see what she recommended. She called back and said that it definitely sounded like an allergic reaction and to take an over the counter antihistamine called Hydroxyzine since I am allergic to Benadryl (I know, I'm a total freak). But, I am in a small town staying with my grandparents and the pharmacy was not open at 1:30am. So, we decided we would go grab some in the morning. I was finally able to fall asleep around 2:30 but woke up in a couple of hours to my torso, legs, buttox, and right ear covered in this stuff now. I was so miserable and looked awful. My skin looked like something from a horror movie, a character who had been burned or something ha ha. I have never been so itchy in my life!! I have no clue how I was able to fall asleep with my legs and torso so covered in this painful stuff, but I did thankfully. To top things off,  Cameron woke up twice from bad dreams and had an accident because I couldn't get to him in time. Me and Granny decided it best if I slept upstairs on the couch to be safe. I was worried I may develop breathing issues or have my throat close off or something crazy. As I laid there tired and miserable and not able to sleep, I thought I would look up that over the counter antihistamine. I read on multiple websites that they don't recommend it in the 1st trimester due to possible birth defects. So, then I was like umm no thanks! It must be rare or else my doctor wouldn't have recommended it, but still. I'm always THAT person that these rare things happen to. So, I was absolutely thrilled to wake up with almost all of this nastiness GONE! My skin is sensitive and really dry, but only had a few slightly red spots. As I laid there last night I prayed really hard that this would pass, that I wouldn't need any medications that would be harmful to any babies in my belly, and that we could figure out what caused it. I surprisingly didn't wake with an awful headache, I always do when I get sick from one of my food allergies. So happy! Just felt sick to my stomach, not in a morning sickness way, and was exhausted. So grateful that this passed, and that I was also able to figure out what had happened. I have been using muscle testing at home for many things for about a year now. Our Chiro we see does this as well and it is so helpful. It is a form of Applied Kinesiology, check into it! Anyways, after some testing I figured out it was something I ate. But I couldn't figure out how it happened. I discovered though that wax paper is often soy coated/based. And my Granny had put it down on the counter trying to prevent cross contamination for me when cutting up potatoes for her homemade french fries last night. She feels awful but I told her it is no ones fault! Stinking food allergies!! I was really scared this might hurt the baby(ies) but I think everything is ok based on some muscle testing I did. And I have had no cramping, bleeding, or anything. My gals are still KILLING ME, ha ha. Yay! So, hopefully everyone checks out ok on Monday. I am so grateful that this wasn't worse! I almost thought I should go to the ER. It was scary and nerve racking, but it could have been worse. I'm so glad I didn't get any swelling in my throat or lips or anything. I'll take ouchie swollen ears over not being able to breathe any day! Thanks to my mom and granny for comforting me and staying up with me. You guys are the BEST! ❤❤ Check out my knarly rash 😭😬 So glad that is over and praying it doesn't happen again! My mom said she read an article online about how pregnancy can magnify allergic reactions, that is definitely right! Never have had this happen before. Thank you to my cousin's husbands for coming and giving me a blessing! We appreciate you ❤

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