Monday, November 16, 2020

A crazy 24 hrs! - An ultrasound & A deer

Well, it hasn't been a great 24 hrs. Blake was on his way to Utah last night so he could be there for the ultrasound and a deer ran right out in front of him. Our car is pretty sad looking, but I am just so grateful it kept running and he is ok! It was a big doe and easily could have come through the windshield and hurt him badly. He was about 30 minutes later than he should have been and I had a feeling something was wrong and couldn't sleep. We weren't able to reach him so I was relieved when he showed up. But then I saw the car. I was like, "Did you hit a deer? Are you ok!?" It was a huge blessing the car wasn't damaged more, it was quite cold out and would have really sucked to have been stranded. 

Anyways, we aren't sure what to make of our ultrasound today. I am so very bummed. The gestational sac measured at 5 wks 4 days (I'm 6 wks 3 days), so they said it is still within a week of the transfer so that's ok. It must have just implanted a little later. It just unfortunately was hard to see anything today. They think they saw a yolk sac but we'll be more certain next Monday. There were no bleeds, the sac looked healthy, my hcg is now 22,000 something and my progesterone is still good. So we are trying to remain hopeful! The light bleeding is likely due to my cervix being irritated. But, sadly there is a chance it could be a Blighted Ovum and no longer any baby. We are praying hard that isn't the case! Please keep us in your prayers, as I am going to be going INSANE until our next ultrasound 😭

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