Saturday, October 17, 2020

Only 5 more days! - Bloodwork & Monster Needles

Had my last labs needed before the treatment drawn yesterday, woot! Only 5 more days til the embryo transfer 🥳😬 My Estradiol came back as 275 and my starting Progesterone was .1 something, both perfect. I really need to compare my levels from previous treatments because I'm curious. This is the first treatment EVER that I have not had to have any of my meds increased, so crazy! Normally I need the Estrogen shots along with some pills, and increased Progesterone. But this time the pills are doing just fine. I'm not sure if it is because I am healthier and 70 lbs lighter, so my body is reacting better to the meds. Or, if these pills are just the only way to go, ha ha. I definitely am still loving not having to do any Estrogen shots twice a week. I started the PIO (progesterone in oil) shots today. My baby sis volunteered to be the first person to jab me 🤣 Thanks Monica, you did a good job! So excited to see how things go, praying our embryos thaw well on Thursday 🤞❤

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