Friday, February 19, 2016

24 weeks (viability week!)- Adorable faces, meat & babies that already keep me up!

I will be 24 weeks tomorrow...the week of viability!! That means if the babies were born this early on that they could possibly have a chance of surviving. It's not a great chance because their little lungs aren't ready for prime time yet, but what a milestone and a relief to make it to this point! We have never gotten this far! But, we definitely want them to stay put. Being born this early would mean they would spend months in the NICU and very possibly have long term health problems :( I will be able to breathe easier once I hit 34 weeks, since 36 is full term. So glad my doctor delivers at and that our insurance covers us at the hospital near us with a Level 3 maternity ward. We should be in good hands should the babies come earlier than expected!

The twinnies are now the size of a corn cob! Babies grow at different rates of course, but that's anywhere from 8.5 to 12 inches long. So cool! They also each weigh at least 1.5 pounds now. Both of these stats definitely explain why I can feel them SO much more now. I am absolutely loving life right now, this is SUCH a fun stage in pregnancy!! I am constantly giggling, saying "woah!", and smiling at their crazy little twists and punches. I may not be able to get out of bed very easily anymore ha ha, but it is so comforting to feel these little piglets move around so much. The first part of pregnancy is scary, you have no idea if they're still ok in there! But when they start moving it's so neat and reassuring. Their precious little faces are now fully formed...complete with eyebrows, eyelashes and head hair! Though their lovely locks (or bald peach fuzz, he he) are most likely white since there's no pigment yet, it's still SO fun to think of them having hair on their tiny heads! Cameron and Claire should be gaining a steady 6 ounces per week now. Their somewhat baggy and red skin will start to plump up more as they pack on those fat deposits and as their little bones and muscles continue to grow. I LOVE my multiples book. Below are pictures of the approx sizes of the babies' heads and little tootsies right now. How adorable!! Head circumference is approx 9 inches (a tangerine), and abdominal circumference is approx 8 inches. The pictures really make it neat and easier to visualize, they have much larger heads than I was expecting for 24 weeks! And our babies haven't been measuring smaller than normal, so I bet these stats are pretty accurate for them.

Remember, click on the pictures if you can't see them well.

I never thought this day would come, but I am loving meat again!! So crazy! The sight, smell, taste and even the mere thought of preparing it over the last few months made me ill. That started to slowly change about 3-4 weeks ago. But now I am realllly craving burgers, tuna more often, steaks, chicken, more lunch meats, etc. I even ate a hot dog with sauerkraut and mustard on it for dinner last night (hot dogs are ok as long as they're cooked very well)! For Valentine's Day weekend we went and ate at our favorite bbq place, Rudy's. I was so full of brisket, sausage, yummy coleslaw and potato salad by the time we left that I could have popped. Soo yummy! I read in my multiples book awhile back that in the 1st trimester it's important to get your folic acid of course, 2nd trimester is calcium, and the 3rd is protein. So it makes sense, the babies need lots of protein to grow strong right now. My intense love for green salad has definitely lessened, though I still eat them :) Still constantly craving juices, bananas, potatoes, and apples though. Last week I went to Fry's and bought 2 big jugs of apple juice, 2 things of orange juice, and some V8 vegetable juice. The cashier said, "Wow, that's a lot of juice! Do you have little kids at home?" I replied, "Nope, pregnant with twins and I go through juice like it's water." She said, "That explains it!" Ha ha. But seriously, I am a juice monster...

I know I already mentioned how much I love feeling these two verrry wiggly little babies, but it is seriously just plain crazy sometimes, ha ha. I have been woken up several times lately, or not able to go back to sleep for hours because of their little belly parties, ha ha. I don't care at all and think it's so cute, but it still just amazes me that I can feel them SO well. There are parts of my uterus that I have never been consciously aware of until now that's for sure, lol. Cameron is very active late at night still and Claire in the very early mornings. Both wiggle about an hour after meals as well, food time! Anyways, my belly is quite the party zone. I read that you feel your baby move the most between weeks 24 and 28. But, I have a feeling that it's going to last longer than that with twins because it started much sooner, ha ha. Or maybe it'll end sooner? Who knows. Granted they will be more squished than a single baby because there are still 2 heads, 4 legs and 4 arms in there to wiggle around after all, ha ha. We can't wait to kiss those little feet, hands and heads that are banging around in there!! And, after another few weeks, the babies' chances of survival outside the womb go way up. We hope they decide to cook until 36 weeks though, that's full term. Not far away at all! Yay May 15th!! However, we are aware that 60% of women deliver twins before that. The average is 34 weeks.

 We have another appointment with the high risk office on Monday! We are so excited to see them again. So glad Blakey gets to come with me again. The babies both weighed about 12 ounces last time we were there (1/25), so we are curious to see what Monday's scan results will bring :) We are having to go back in because we weren't able to see Claire's heart very well last time. She refused to quit standing on her head, so the tech couldn't get the pictures and measurements she needed. Hoping they both cooperate this time around since they have both switched positions since then. And maybe even have moved again ha ha, been feeling lots of twisting in there! We love you little ninja babies!!

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