Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The best LDS infertility article I've ever read! - "Learning to cope with infertility." by Carolynn Spencer

"Each person’s story is unique, but I have a testimony that miracles do happen—even if they don’t happen in the way we hope for or expect. I know that we can find peace in the scriptures, in prayer, in the temple, and in the words of the prophets. We have a loving Heavenly Father who will help us. He will strengthen us to meet our challenges if we put our trust in Him and in His timing."
Carolynn Spencer

"The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."
Joseph B. Wirthlin

SO many great things were mentioned in this article, but the two above quotes were my absolute favorites. Everyones story IS different, and that is a good thing. We can learn a lot from others trials. And, the second quote is so true and really spoke to me. Our first baby Cannon was called back home way too soon, and the miscarriage broke our hearts. But, the Lord did bless us a hundredfold with precious twins afterward, and an even stronger marriage. Twins were more than we ever dared hope for.

So many people suffer with infertility, and unfortunately most avoid seeking support out of fear or embarrassment. I hope that this article may comfort even just one person, because I felt so impressed upon to share it. I cried like a baby while reading it and felt the spirit strongly. So many similar things to our own infertility story. We were told we would never be able to have children after our failed IVF cycle in 2008. It took me many years as well to finally put my faith COMPLETELY in the Lord's hands and his timing. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but we were greatly blessed for it. It's human nature to want to control things, and we feel so helpless when we can't. We were beyond devastated after losing Cannon, our souls literally hurt. But, we remained faithful (by some miracle! - not really a miracle, the Lord was right by our side, as was family!) and are expecting healthy twins in May! If you would have told me nine years ago, or even last March when we lost Cannon, that this is how things were going to turn out for us, you could have knocked me over with a feather. And, I would have probably laughed hysterically at you in disbelief.

I am so grateful for the wonderful examples in my life, that I decided to start a blog (shockingly therapeutic and fun!), for the support system that Blake and I have, for our amazingly selfless donor couple, and especially for our a God, our Heavenly Father. Though I cried many nights, and thought & cursed many things that I am not proud of...I am so grateful that he didn't give up on us and that we didn't give up on him. There aren't words for how thrilled we are to be expecting a sweet baby girl AND baby boy in 3 short months. We have been through SO much. There were times when we thought that we just couldn't go on and didn't know where to turn. Having hope seemed pointless and wasted. Now, we feel unbelievably blessed. 

I know I've said this a million times, but even though things didn't turn out how we had originally planned, it all worked out. I think all this pain will feel worth it when we lay eyes on these precious babies! Every tear and heartache is leading up to this miraculous event, our very own and special plan from God! I now cry tears of gratitude, and often. Goodbye tears of utter heartbreak! Hang in there fellow infertile-ites...cry, pray, yell, go to the temple, start an infertility blog or support group on facebook, find comfort in the scriptures, stay home on Mother's Day Sunday, serve others, get a pet, find fun and new date night ideas, take time to grieve, take a vacation, get a new hair cut or color, or be brave and tell someone about your struggle with infertility (you can do it!)...whatever will ease your pain and help cope with this trial. You never know who else is suffering and also needs a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to JUST listen! 

The Lord has not forgotten you, I promise. Things WILL happen when and how they're supposed to. Though those words used to absolutely INFURIATE me (because I wanted "our time" to have been like several stinkin' years ago!), they are very true. And unfortunately, it takes awhile to fully accept it. Because we didn't give up, because we finally leaned COMPLETELY on the Lord, and because of the amazing prompting that I received from the Lord (the dream that started this whole adventure), we now have the below picture to happily and gratefully share. Not trying to sound holier than thou, just want to express how blessed we are by not giving up. I NEVER thought this could be ME you guys! I couldn't even picture myself pregnant. Don't lose hope friends. Yay for Embryo Adoption and for great blessings from the Lord when the time is right!!! 

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