Thursday, February 25, 2016

Scary!!! Claire's heart re-check turns into hospital stay - shortening cervix & contractions

On Monday we had Claire's heart re-check at the high risk office. Everything on her, as well as Cameron, came back fantastic! She already weighs in at 1.4 lbs and Cameron is 1.7 lbs. As we were getting ready to leave, I was really impressed upon that I should have the tech measure my cervix, just to be safe. It had shortened from a 4.4 to a 3 over the recent months. So grateful that I had them check, total blessing!! My cervix had shortened again Monday, went from a 3.03 last month to a 1.9 when contracting. And to a 2.23 when not contracting. I had no idea I was even having contractions, but they were 5-6 mins apart! When arriving at the hospital, I was immediately given steroid shots for the babies lungs, put on a magnesium sulfate drip and another med to stop the contractions and relax the uterus. It has done its job thank goodness! It made me extremely ill and dizzy but so very grateful for it. We are now just worried about my funneling /partially dilating cervix at the top. And Claire is sitting right on it with her cute little buttcheeks. Praying it stops shortening, these little babies need to stay put for at least two to three more weeks before we are out of the "very scary zone". We are terrified but staying hopeful! Both babies look and measure great, and aren't under any stress. In fact they're giving the nurses heck, ha ha. They were so wiggly that it took four nurses almost THREE hours to locate their heart beats Monday night. SUCH wiggly babies!!! Cameron is such a stinker. But that's good, active is best.

I will update when we know more, waiting to hear back from my doc and a specialist as to if hospital bedrest is still best route for now, or if strict bedrest at home with same meds will be ok. Thanks for your love and support! We are so grateful for this amazing high risk labor and delivery dept, this hospital, great doctors, and our adorably funny and amazing nursing staff! Makes hard times so much more doable! I've held it together so far, I know a break down is inevitable but we are hanging in there :) Here's some pictures. Just missing some with my doc and my favorite nurses Katie and Christina. I was so goofy and sick on the magnesium that I forgot to remember to take more pictures, ha ha.

 Hanging out in the world's MOST uncomfortable hospital bed, but staying positive! Stay away contractions!

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