Monday, January 4, 2016

17 weeks - Pillows & A growing belly!

This week the babies' heart rates are now regulated by their brains! No more random beats. Their heart rates are 140 - 150 bpm, that's two times faster than ours. They're also starting to pack on some chub and can weigh up to 5 ounces each. I've still been able to feel them move. I think it's mostly Baby B I'm feeling because it's usually in the same areas, and it measures a little bigger than A (they don't necessarily implant the same day). Sometimes, a day or two will go by without feeling anything, and then other days I feel them a few times in a day. It's very exciting!! Still so crazy that there are two in there...

Laying on my back is becoming more and more uncomfortable. Definitely a fan of the pillow between my legs, makes my back feel soo much better. I LOVE pillows! Pillows everywhere on our bed! I've been sleeping much better because of them...with the exception of my increased bathroom runs at night, ha ha. So far the record is 6. So crazy that I can already feel that my bladder is being squished.

I can definitely tell that my uterus has been doing some growing. My belly bump is now quite hard feeling while laying down and is up to my belly button. I have kind of a high belly button too. I had Blake feel my belly yesterday morning and he said, "holy crap!" Ha ha. They say with a single baby that your uterus is approximately the size of a small melon right now. So, I'm not sure how big mine is with twins, but it's definitely grown! I feel like I already waddle because its starting to feel weird to move around now, ha ha. Can't wait til it's bigger, cute and completely round! Right now I just feel like I look extra fat while standing, ha ha. It'll be so fun to know what's in there too...boys, girls, or both?! I think it'll make it much more real! Right now they're just "the babies" or "Baby A/B". I can't imagine how fun it'll be to finally say "baby girl(s)" or "baby boy(s)"!

17 weeks 2 days


  1. When my niece was pregnant, her mom got 3 pillowcases and stitched them to each other, side by side. She put a pillow in the outside cases. Your body would lay on the pillowcase that is empty, the 2 end pillowcases supporting your tummy and back - not sure how easy it would be to get in and out of bed

    1. Haha, that is such a creative and fun idea!! Thanks for sharing :)
