Monday, October 12, 2015

Blood work re-check!

Well today went well! And it was a bigger stress relief than I was expecting. I've been so sick that I kinda knew things had to be ok (daily record so far is 8 toilet visits), but it was just nice to have it confirmed. They like to see the hcg around 1,000 at 5 wks, that means everything is progressing as it should. Mine was at 2,255 today! It was 1,836 last treatment. That would explain why I'm much more acquainted with the toilet this time around. I bet I've throw up almost 100 times in the last two weeks, ha ha. Ugh. But, I will happily be sick everyday til this baby gets here, as long as everything goes good!! Bring on the barf! Can't wait til the end of this month, we will be able to relax even more if the baby looks good on the ultrasound. Come on healthy heart beat! I'm sooo nervous.

My progesterone has dropped just below 20, at 18.4. So, we will see if the fertility center is going to up my dose a little or not. Last treatment it was like 80, so that's a big difference. I think my body is just processing it differently this time and doing what it needs to do. We shall see what they say. Still no spotting, we are so thrilled!

So, today was good! It would have sucked to get bad news period, but especially since today was my woulda been due date with Cannon. So thankful that all is going well, we're trying to keep the faith that things are going to go our way this time! 

Hang in there baby(ies), can't wait to see you on the ultrasound screen in a couple weeks!! 

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