Sunday, December 12, 2021

He's here!!! Our beautiful baby boy is here!

Will post more later, but he is here!!! Arrived this afternoon, exactly a week early. Weighed 7 lbs 4 oz, 21 inches long, 4:11pm, TONS of brown hair, cried and poo pooed right away, and is insanely adorable and so, so soft! We are all just smitten 💙💙 I am so proud of myself for doing an un-medicated birth! I struggled a little (ok, kind of a lot) in the beginning but pushed through and things got quicker and easier. The birth assistant was starting to worry that he had an arm by his head or something because I was having a hard time in the earlier pushing stages, but I powered through! Turns out he just has a big ol' noggin, ha ha. More to come later when I'm more rested but I wanted to post something 😀🥳 Can't believe we have another miracle baby ❤

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