I can't believe I will be 20 weeks this weekend!! Where is the time going?! This little dude is already half way baked 🥳 I am so glad things are going so well, it is SUCH a relief. I spoke with the birthing center today and all of my bloodwork and the 24 hour urine test came back perfect. No signs of pre-eclampsia yet, hallelujah! We discovered I had it with the twins at 24 weeks, when I landed in the hospital for early labor, but we didn't know when it had started. So, to hear that my tests came back great was really awesome. We will repeat this test in about 2 months at 28 weeks. This time was just to get a baseline on the protein in my urine, so that we had something to compare with later. We don't want the protein to be over 300, if any is detected at all. I believe it was 370 something with the twins? So, fingers crossed that we get great results in September also!
I have been feeling pretty good lately, considering I'm growing a tiny little man! My lower back pain has increased, so I've started pregnancy yoga. And my tailbone feels like it has snapped in half 😠I have to sit on only soft and squishy things or else it is really painful. I need to see a chiropractor soon, but I'm hoping the yoga will also help. My gums have also started bleeding a lot when flossing and brushing, totally normal during pregnancy though. Just don't remember it doing it this much with the twins. I still can't believe I have 50% more blood volume, so crazy! I am still struggling with this dang yeast rash all over my body. I still get extreeeemely itchy when my rash flares up, but I discovered that my probiotic IS making it worse. So I quit taking it since the midwife said to if I noticed it worsening when starting my new one. Hoping that'll help it lessen atleast. I have been eating lots of avocados, orange juice, hashbrowns, melons (I cannot get enough watermelon - I ate 2 personal sized ones in a single day, lol!), and tamales. My belly is getting bigger! It was so funny, I woke up the other day and just felt bigger. I looked in the mirror after I got dressed and was like, woah! I swear I grew over night. I hope this little guy is a rolly chunk when he gets here! Well, maybe not too awfully chunky since I'll not be doing an epidural this time 🤣
Right now, baby boy is the size of a banana! He is approx 8+ inches long from head to bum and weighs just over half a pound! He is currently sprouting hair on his head, can suck his thumb, has meconuim forming in bowels (makes up his first poo after birth), and he can now hear me clearly, as well as others. He is a fully formed little guy now! He just needs to pack on the fat and grow in size, and his systems need to mature until he arrives. The twins are so funny! Claire still asks me daily how the baby is doing in there, if he's awake or asleep, if he slept good or not, and if he's full or hungry. It cracks them both up that "he pees in your tummy!". They were quite relieved that he doesn't poop in my tummy, ha ha. They're both really bummed that they can't feel him move and kick when I do, but they still put their little hands on my belly anyways in hopes of "maybe I will feel him this time?!" 🤣 One day they will and I can't wait to see their reactions! Claire said the cutest thing the other day...I was tucking her into bed and she said, "Mommy, is the baby ok in there, with no other people?" I replied that he was totally fine and snug, and she said, "Oh good!! My baby brother is so good and is so brave growing in there!" She has expressed multiple times that she is concerned that he's in there all alone, ha ha. I am looking forward to my next ultrasound (not a fan of them bc they really haven't proved to be super safe, so I am trying to limit them this time around since I had a million trillion of them with the twins), as we couldn't see his heart super great because of his positioning last time. So, I hope all looks well again on that in a couple of weeks! Maybe then I can fully relax ha ha, but we'll see (e had to go back for a follow up on the anatomy scan with the twins too because they couldn't see Claire's heart well enough because of her positioning). So, I hope this isn't bad luck, lol. Fingers crossed that my cervix still looks good too.
We haven't done anything too exciting lately because of my dang rash, and Claire's viral rash (poor baby was sick with a viral rash for about 4 weeks - luckily no one else got it!), but we have started sorting through baby stuff! We have sooo many cute clothes that I forgot about from the twins. We are totally set on clothes lol, got the crib out, changing table, found all the baby blankets, my fav baby pods, play mat, and other fun stuff. Just need a few things like a new car seat (others are "expired" - but I already ordered a new one, woo!), new baby monitor, a new baby bath I want, etc. We are in the process of organizing the 4th bedroom in the house. It sadly looks like a bomb went off in it right now, ha ha. We are moving all my holiday decor into the garage from the closet, my candle making supplies into the closet, and we will have that bedroom be the baby room/home school room. My momma bought me some supet cute baby room decor! I wanted to do a woodlands theme this time around. I still have all the pooh bear stuff from the twins, but I feel like this little guy just looks/seems like a little woodlands man. Blake thinks I'm crazy but oh well, ha ha. The fox lamp is absolutely adorable though, and the bedding is to die for! I can't wait to see it all put together in the next of couple weeks. Our latest silly/fun happenings at home are: Cam made everyone wear "cup shoes" the other day lol, the twins are amazed by/scared of our crazy Arizona monsoon season we've been having the last couple of weeks, they're loving the old Nintendo 64 from Blake's parents, and their new kindergarten books and supplies arrived from The Good and The Beautiful last week! 🥳 I absolutely love this home school program and we are all very excited to start next month! Can't believe my babies are in kindergarten!!