Sunday, June 28, 2020

A little twin Q&A!

Happy Sunday everyone ❤

It is Q&A time! We always get asked a lot of "twin questions", and just questions in general, ha ha. So, I thought I would do a fun little Q&A post about the twins with the most asked questions! And yes, some people, lots of people actually, have really asked some of these questions 😂 I don't always answer this lengthy, but thought I would since this is just a post. 

Q: "Are they identical??"
A: No, ha ha! It is physically impossible (in many ways) for boy/girl twins to be identical, ha ha. Our twins are Fraternal...Dichorionic Diamniotic Dizygotic (DCDA) twins to be exact. They had separate chorionic & amniotic sacks, and are from separate eggs. They also had their own placentas, though we think they fused toward the end. It's not uncommon. They're no different than any other siblings born years apart. 

Q: "Who is older?"
A: Claire, by 5 minutes. And I'm sure she'll never let him live it down, ha ha. 

Q: "Who is more of a handful?"
A: They are both a handful, ha ha. Super great kids, we are sooo lucky! Claire is our sweet, yet bossy, sassy little sassafras. She's the older sister who thinks she calls all the shots, even for mom and dad sometimes, lol. We call her our Sour Patch Kid because she is either sweet or sour, no in between 🤣 And Cam, though super chill and loving, has struggled with sensory issues until as of late and was once considered to likely be on the spectrum. That was super hard at times, but we are beyond grateful for his recovery!! 

Q: "Are they nocturnal?"
A: Well, yes, they were at times, but usually no. The person meant to say fraternal 🤣

Q: "Who is bigger?"
A: Cameron! He weighs almost 9 lbs more than her and he's almost 3 whole inches taller.

Q: "Did you have a C-section?"
A: No, natural delivery. Woot! Cam turned within 2 weeks of delivering if I remember right, so I was able to deliver vaginally. I had a quick labor and delivery, was super lucky!

Q: "How much did they weigh when they were born?"
A: Claire was 4 lbs 7 oz, Cameron was 5 lbs 1 oz. Teenie tinies, but everyone was healthy and we all went home 2 days later! No NICU admissions,  oxygen, etc. 

Q: "Did you go full term?"
A: For twins, yes, 36 weeks. My doctor didn't want to let me go any longer due to the pre-eclampsia. So blessed to have made it that far considering all our obstacles! 

Q: "Do twins run in your families?"
A: Yes, they do in mine! Both my grandpas have twin sisters, and my great grandmother had 3 sets of twins, 1 set lived. But, we did fertility treatments, so it is definitely more of a possibility when you transfer more than one embryo. Fun fact...the "twin gene" can only run in a female's family. 

Q: "Did you freak out when you found out it was twins??"
A: Yes! But in a good way. We lost our first baby after trying for 8 yrs, so we were thrilled to find out we were expecting 2! 

Q: "Who looks like who?"
A: Well we did Embryo Adoption, so they are not our biological children, even though I carried and birthed them. However, the Lord works in mysterious ways and people who don't know our story are floored when they find out. Everyone says Cameron looks just like me and my dad.  Everyone says Claire looks like Blake. I do on occasion have people say that they both look like me.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, June 19, 2020

We're baaaaaaaaaack!!!

Hellooooo everybody, we're back!!! I am so thrilled to be blogging again! We were planning on doing our last treatment sooner. Like, a couple years sooner, ha ha. But, things just didn't work out for one reason or another. Whether it be finances, moving, finances, the craziness that is life, finances. Seriously guys, how would it be to NOT have to pay 5 grand or more each time you wanted to get pregnant, lol?! We don't know, ha ha. But, this is GREAT timing, so everything happens for a reason! 

Our last FET (frozen embryo transfer) is scheduled for October 22nd. Yay, we are so excited! Crossing our fingers and saying lots of prayers that our last 2 embryos thaw well, at least one of them sticks, and that I have an easier pregnancy this time around. So grateful to our anonymous donor couple and God for giving us this beautiful little family we have! EMBRYO ADOPTION ROCKS, we love our tiny snowflakes!

The twins turned FOUR last month! Can you guys believe it?? It is just insane how fast time flies. I always used to hear people say that but you never truly understand it until you have kiddos. The twins are beautiful, growing like crazy, are super hilarious and entertaining, bring so much love and laughter into our home, and keep us on our toes. Things are finally getting easier with them now, so why not exhaust ourselves with a new little one or two, right?! 🤣 I'll add a few pictures at the end of the post of the twins. I'll do another post later of their last 4 years for our non-family blog followers who haven't seen the kids since my last blog post in August of 2016.

 Cam is our sweet, lovey, relaxed, handsome little man! He has had blonde hair for awhile now, and his dark blue eyes have turned to a bluish gray. He is still the bigger twin. He has 9 lbs on Claire and is almost 3 inches taller. He loves trains, dinosaurs, basketball, the trampoline, books, Mickey Mouse, anything with wheels, baby chicks, Umi Zoomi, soft blankies, Paw Patrol, the color red, and stuffed animals. He is very mechanically minded and loves to see how things work. He has quite an arm on him, loves his coconut milk yogurt, and allergy friendly lollipops.  

Claire's darker brown hair has changed to a light brown, and her dark blue eyes are now hazel. She is tall but a tiny around little thing. You would never know she eats like a horse by looking at her. She is obsessed with dancing, loves soccer, dinosaurs, makeup, Barbies, Minnie Mouse, anything princess or kitties, books, her stuffed Care Bears, unicorns, baby dolls, is a total whiz at puzzles and building things, and likes coloring and drawing. She is our sassy, silly, helpful little lady, who can usually be seen taking care of a baby doll or stuffed animal. 

I know our transfer is 4 months out, but I will still hopefully post at least once a week until things pick up in September for the transfer. And, you can join me on my continued weightloss journey as well, see what we've been up to lately, and more. I'm down 60 lbs so far, woo! I hope to lose 15-20 more before the treatment. Thanks to Bright Line Eating I'm getting my health, my body, and my self confidence back! Sugar is pure poison to our bodies, and is the devil. Anyways, more on that later, ha ha. 

See you soon 😃

Last blog post, 3 months old, Aug 2016

Fast forward to 4 yrs old, June 2020

Best buddies!

Our sassy little makeup Queen, this picture kills me 🤣

Our chillin sweet silly boy, it has been summer in AZ for awhile now ❤

Mother's Day 2020