Friday, June 3, 2016

Week 3 of Parenthood! - Announcement pictures, bye bye Grammy & Pooh paintings!

Well, the babies are 3 weeks old today! :'( Where is the time going??! I can't believe how big they're getting. It's exciting and devastating all at the same time. They will be growing out of their preemie diapers before we know it! (PS-we are going through an insane amount of diapers!!) Just when I think they couldn't get any cuter...they do! We love these two little munchkins so much. They're such good babies and grow bigger every day. So grateful they're healthy little things. Claire's cheeks are starting to get chubby and Cameron's are getting chubbier! They both make the funniest sounds and faces. Usually they sound like tiny bear cubs. I love watching them sleep, their sweet faces are to die for. Cameron still hates bathtime and Claire has started eating more milliliters at feedings. Both are starting to kind of fit into newborn clothes, Cameron more than Claire of course. They may have long arms and legs but they're still so small around. Love our tiny people burritos!

We have waited a longgggg time to send out a birth announcement! I have dreamed of this day for many years...what it would look like, what the baby would wear, how I would feel when I saw the finished product. Never dreamed we would be doing an announcement for twins though! So fun and so exciting. Pretty happy with how they turned out, the pictures printed a little dark though. But, I'm much too exhausted to edit the pictures and have them redone. So I'm calling it good. But, they were inexpensive (thank you Costco!), are simple and adorable. We will cherish the announcement forever and ever! Here are some pictures from my mini photo shoot with the bebes also. Still need to edit them. Cameron didn't want to cooperate quite as well as Claire, ha ha. Thanks for the adorable outfits Kay Dell, and thanks for the super cute bear beanies Monica and family! 



My poor, poor Mom finally went home on Tuesday. I'm so happy for her to return to her own life and home, but I  blubbered like a baby, ha ha. I am so grateful to her and hope she is blessed a million times over for all of her help. She waited on me hand and foot, cleaned, cooked, did laundry, took care of Slinky, washed my hair, rubbed my back and sore shoulders while on bed rest, watched Bates Motel with me, laughed at dumb stuff with me, and crocheted the babies beautiful blankets while hanging out at my bedside and chatting. I love her more than words can say. Thank you mom for all of your help. You helped keep our babies safe in my belly and allowed them to be born healthy! I will do a special post about my super amazing Granny who helped out immensely as well at a later time, I need a picture of her with the babies first :)

It is so fun feeding and snuggling the babies in their adorable bedroom. Their little spirits are so sweet and tender. They're fresh from heaven and it can literally be felt. So grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing us with these two beautiful babies! A big thank you to my baby sister for these beautiful Pooh Bear paintings she did for their room. They are beyond adorable and totally finished off the room. We love them! Thanks Auntie Monica!! 

1 comment:

  1. So, so, so happy for you and your family <3 such little sweeties. I can't wait to meet them someday! Xoxo, Jessie
